Physiology for Beginners

In the center, the large circle is the nucleus, the headquarters of the cell.  It is separated from the rest of the cell by a membrane which is semi-permeable.  So some substances pass through easily and others not at all.  Within this structure is the DNA, the genetic inheritance, the blueprint for the whole body.  As long as you are living, it is available to be healed because the directions are in all your cells.  If we submit to God’s design for the maintenance of the body it will follow God’s directions in the DNA and repair itself.


Cytoplasm is the space within the cell membrane which contains all the organelles of the cell, much like a molded gelatin salad.  But in a living cell the organelles can move around and do work.


The mitochondria are the power plants in each cell.  They change raw materials into energy for use by the cell.  Muscle cells have a much higher concentration of these structures than any other cell.


Endoplasmic Reticulum are structures throughout the cytoplasm which produce proteins (if ribosomes are present), or metabolize lipids, or detoxify chemicals that have been forced on the cell from the blood stream.


Ribosomes are full of RNA.  Each RNA molecule is a copy of small portions of the DNA master plan.  The ribosomes are responsible for the correct production of every protein (hormones, enzymes and structures) needed by the body.


The Golgi Complex is the warehouse and dispatch center for all the above mentioned chemicals and proteins.  It appears to be a series of folded, flattened bubbles in the cytoplasm.  The Golgi Complex sends the items that the cell needs by way of smaller round bubbles (vesicles) which flow through the cytoplasm easily.


Vesicles have a variety of origins and functions.  A particle or fluid can be engulfed by the cell membrane and dragged deep in the cell.  When assimilation is complete the vesicle may just disappear or be drawn to an organelle.  Items to be excreted from the cell will burst from a vesicle when it reaches the membrane from the interior.


Each cell is surrounded by a space filled with interstitial fluid.  Like packages in your pantry, each cell is not glued to the next, but rather, they fit loosely together with air able to surround each package.  Similarly, the cells are bathed by interstitial fluid which seeps from the surrounding blood vessels.  Everything in your blood bathes every cell; for better or for worse.  Here is the cellular level, where “you are what you eat” applies.


Your body can compensate for much poor stewardship when you are young and producing lots of fresh cells every day.  But as you get older, you begin to reap what you have sown.  Change now before you manifest a terminal illness.  Think of the choices available to Mr. and Mrs. Noah.  Everything was natural.  Follow their example.  All of the chemicals and treatments added to our food were invented for the love of money, the root of all evil.  God wants to deliver us from evil but we must be willing to change.

Another video on the cell

Page 7.6

The Strength of our Nation

Many Christians realize that the strength of our nation lies in the Godly heritage of the family.  And just as the smallest unit of strength in our nation is the family; so the smallest unit of the strength or health in our bodies is the cell.  Our bodies are damaged and healed very subtly on the cellular level.  Disease is the disruption of cellular activities by blood poisoning or injury.  The symptoms we see on the systemic level are not the cause of illness.  But rather symptoms are the reaction of our bodies to cellular and systemic insults.  Therefore to treat only symptoms will never cure the disease and it may kill us.  In order to understand health stewardship principles, we must begin with the function of the cell, the basic unit of the body God designed.

Here is a human cell.  It contains structures which facilitate the chemical reactions that go on continuously in living cells.  There is no cell exactly like this one.  All cells are designed with a specific function in mind.  And, therefore, have different amounts of these structures depending on the function of the organ the cell is a member of.